1. Seaside | File: JPG

From the picture, can you find the closest train station?

Wrap the English name, as it appears on Google Maps, in lowercase, with the DOCTF{---} flag format, replacing any spaces with _.

Seaside Imade

Step 1

Zooming into the name of the building:


Step 2

I can make out Darakhyu Compact Luxury Hotel. We found it in google images! The name of the hotel is Darakhyu Yeosu


Step 3

As we can see this is the location of the photo, the nearest train station is Yeosu EXPO

image image

Step 4

Form the flag DOCTF{yeosu_expo}

2. SympoZzzium

I attended an event near Yeosu, and it was a bit boring, so I decided to play with Wigle. 

What institution did this event take place at?

Wrap the English name, in lowercase, with the DOCTF{xxxxx} flag format, replacing any spaces with _.

Step 1

Looking through the csv file, I noticed there are a lot of eduroam SSIDs. Eduroam is a network that is commonly used in universities. So we can narrow the institution to an university I also noticed JNU, which sounds like an abbreviation for an university.


Step 2

Googling JNU in Yeosu, gives us the location of an university: Chonnam National University


Step 3

Form the flag DOCTF{chonnam_national_university}